This Holiday season thousands of Regina and area families will benefit from the Regina Food Bank’s annual Holiday Hamper tradition.
Food insecurity has been rapidly rising across Regina with 1 in 4 children, and 1 in 8 households being food insecure. Food is the ultimate connector, particularly over the holiday season. As we prepare to gather with friends and family this month, far too many of our neighbours will have empty tables.
The Regina Food Bank is a community-funded organization that operates without government funding. The challenge to meet record food insecurity has been accentuated by the Canada Post Strike, hindering traditional methods to raise critical funds. Thankfully a partnership with Nutrien will allow the Food Bank to once again feed hope!
From December 12-24 Nutrien will be spreading cheers for the Holidays by matching all donations up to $50,000 enhancing the Regina Food Bank’s impact. In addition to providing Holiday Hampers, the food bank will feed over 17,000 people this month. This partnership comes at a critical time according to John Baily, CEO, Regina Food Bank, “Holiday Hampers is the most celebrated Food Bank tradition. Thanks to our friends at Nutrien and our donors we can share a full holiday meal for thousands of our neighbours. Behind every hamper is a local family and neighbour. Holiday Hampers are a tradition we can all get behind.”
Food is the ultimate connector. We eat when we celebrate, mourn, gather and of course during the holiday season, food creates memories and traditions. Nutrien’s support and that of food bank donors will ensure the most powerful form of nourishment, care, is in abundance this year!
Like many charities, the Regina Food Bank relies on direct mail as a critical fundraising tool. Due to the Canada Post Strike supporters are asked to visit www.reginafoodbank.ca to donate. December is the most important fundraising month for the Regina Food Bank. Donations this month help fund not only Holiday Hampers, but provide a critical source of revenue to purchase food in the coming months.
On behalf of the Regina Food Bank staff and volunteers, thank you to Nutrien and all our supporters.
Merry Christmas!